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Thank you Diane Schiavoni!

Diane Schiavoni collecting donations on Main Street

The Park & Recreation Association of Sag Harbor would like to extend a special thanks to Diane and Gabe Schiavoni for starting a fundraiser to help replace the roof on the Mashashimuet Park Grandstand.

Diane has already spent several days stationed behind a table on Main Street talking to pedestrians about her love of Mashashimuet Park and collecting over $2200 for a new roof. She plans to continue her campaign for the rest of the summer, so if you’re walking past the Sag Harbor Liquor Store and see Diane sitting with a table of shingles, stop and talk with her!

Community members like Diane and Gabe help make Sag Harbor a special place and we would like to thank them for their efforts.

Read the Sag Harbor Express Article about Gabe & Diane’s fundraiser

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